International Events / Activities

08.03.2023 - Berlin

23.06. - 21.07.2022 - School Concert Tour at 15 concert venues

June - December 2022 - Worldwide AWLO Events

25.11.2021 - Zoo Neunkirchen (Saarland)

11.11.2021 - Lebach (Saarland)

11.2021 - Online

19.08.2021 - Malta

11.11.2022 - Frankfurt/Main

16. - 18.06.2022 - Las Vegas (USA)

17.11.2021 - Idar-Oberstein (Rhineland-Palatinate)

10.11.2021 - Berlin

23.09.2021 - Eppelborn (Saarland)

August 2021 - Germany

March 2021 - Berlin

19./20.12.2020 - SAVE the DATE Online Live Stream
With this day we would like to honour the people who are currently doing everything to ensure that our social life is maintained. They work day and night to achieve this and always give their full commitment.
A very big THANK YOU to all of you!
--> Here <-- you can watch the recordings
05.04.2020 - Online

Worldwide Voice Aid Symposium
In honor of the "Day of Conscience"
- together strong in times of Corona -
The 5th of April was declared by the United Nations worldwide
The video: Our Youtube channel
Voice Aid Africa - for peace, love & hope


Voice Aid Africa
"We Are One"

Voice Aid Africa
Voice Aid Malta