Homelessness and poverty
It can affect any of us
We must not look away

Often life has special challenges for us. Rising rents, reduced income, sudden job loss, separation, debt are situations that can throw us off track overnight.
We talk about humanity, and more and more people here in Germany are living on the streets, without a home of their own and without a hot meal a day. While there were 248,000 "homeless" people in 2010, there were already well over half a million in 2018. The numbers continued to climb in 2019 and 2020. These people are not only exposed to hunger, which becomes a daily companion, but they struggle with a lack of hygiene measures, because even the 50 cents for the public toilet is missing. In addition, there are the cold nights with snow, rain and a lack of shelter.
Poverty lasts 12 months a year- our fellow human beings need us – „We Are One“
In addition to our own efforts to lend a helping hand to people experiencing homelessness and poverty, we support the helping actions of Thomas de Vachroi, Poverty Commissioner of the non-profit society Diakoniewerk Simeon and Social Welfare Commissioner of the Neukölln CDU as well as head of the Diakonie-Haus Britz. Through his contact with politics, numerous associations and organizations, it is a gift for us to be able to support him with our voice and our donation opportunities as well as income from our own projects and events.
We at Voice Aid applaud his approach and his ideas of wanting to give people on the street a new perspective.

Field cutlery campaign fall 2022
Due to new laws to curb plastic in commercial and residential settings, Thomas de Vachroi's facility has been forced to eliminate plastic cutlery, which they give to those in need when they serve meals. There is no question that this development is a blessing for nature, yet it poses a problem for our fellow human beings in need and seeking help. In order to find a solution to this challenge and still be able to give the people in Berlin the food they need, Thomas de Vachroi, together with the Tee- und Wärmestube, has launched the "Field cutlery" campaign. Through a voucher system, the field cutlery is to be distributed to the homeless by the respective institutions in Berlin.
We at Voice Aid support this grandiose idea. Through an appeal for donations we want to provide Berlin's homeless with the appropriate cutlery.
By handing out the field cutlery, the facilities Thomas De Vachroi oversees would be the first in Berlin to ensure that people without shelter are equipped with these permanent cutlery sets.
Just for the equipment of our needy in the city of Berlin about 5000 stainless steel field cutlery are necessary, which cost about 9,-€ per cutlery.