Voice Aid Faces & Ambassadors


Astrid Arens
Regino Hawich
Juliane Putzing
Dr. Natalie Forest

Richard George
Henrik Wehle
Nils Wessel
Dr. Manfred Florian Welker
We Are One

The Weather Girls
Rainer Doemen
Dante Thomas
Dr. Ina Knobloch
Stefanie Bärsch

Ulrich Wolf
Ulf Brethauer
Lori Glori

Liz Mitchell
No Mercy

Frau Yok
Manuela Raasch
Simone Gosdschan
Wolfgang Wessel

Voice Aid honorary ambassadors

Thomas de Vachroi

Voice Aid honorary members

Queen Diambi Kabatusuila - Patroness of Voic Aid Africa
Dagmar Wöhrl - Patroness of Voic Aid
Dr. Ina Knobloch

Voice Aid Partner Companies

LuB Academy
TC Consulting
Radio Holiday
Richard George Foundation
African Women in Leadership Organisation
Ulrich Wolf
Textwerkstatt Juliane Putzing
Astrid Arens - The Voice
Business Voice Magazine

Voice Aid Awards

The international Social Hero Award Africa 2020 goes to Dr. Elisha Attai

Dr. Elisha Attai

When you hear the name Dr. Elisha Attai, you are immediately introduced to another hero of the time. He stands up for women and gender parity in his native Africa.

He travels the world with his power and commitment. Gender equality and the empowerment of women is his life's work.

An avid sportsman and family man, he lives in Lagos with his wife and four children. As a native of the Nigerian state, he actively promotes the image of his homeland both at home and abroad.

Dr. Elisha Attai is a committed Christian and is involved in many activities based on his faith. As an active supporter of several charities, he also contributes there.

The well-being of the youngest is especially close to his heart, and so he supports a charity that cares for premature babies in Africa.

Dr. Elisha Attai was honored by Voice Aid as the world's first International Social Hero 2020 for the continent of Africa.

One "Hidden Champion of Life" Award 2020 goes to Thomas de Vachroi

Thomas de Vachroi

Thomas de Vachroi is a true individualist and helps the poorest in society. As Poverty Commissioner of the non-profit Diakonie Berlin, he supports people who have less than little. People who live on the street.

This everyday hero has his center of life in Berlin. He also puts his energy into numerous projects as the social representative of the New Cologne CDU and as the director of the Diakoniehaus Britz.

It was he who initiated the petition for supermarkets to give surplus food to the needy.

Thomas de Vachroi will also be honored for his efforts by Voice Aid.

One "Hidden Champion of Life" Award 2020 goes to Marc Andre und Christian Grimm

Senior Living Facility Grimm

Marc Andre and Christian Grimm are among these everyday heroes. They live the heroism every day. Because their love belongs to the more than 100 residents they care for every day in their classic retirement home, in their retirement hotels and day care, and in their assisted living.

The two brothers have already absorbed the helper gene with their mother's milk, as they are already the second generation to honor the work of their parents.

According to Christian Grimm, Covid time in particular demands everything, and from every employee. In addition to caring for their residents, the team takes care of the mail, goes shopping and runs errands, and, of course, keeps in touch with relatives who are unable to see their loved ones due to Corona regulations.

Now, in the second lockdown phase, the hygiene measures have been significantly tightened. Full protection for all employees has been the order of the day since then. This makes work and contact with residents in need of care more difficult.

The two brothers repeatedly describe how proud they are of their employees, especially during the tough Corona times.

One Social Hero Award 2020 goes to Giacomo Santalucia

Giacomo Santalucia

"Much more beautiful than a Ferrari in front of the door is a Ferrari in the heart", a quote by Giacomo Santalucia.

The lively Italian, who lives in Saarland, is pure passion. Everything he touches in life and works for is based on respect and appreciation for people.

One of his projects is the German-Italian Educational Institute, which makes a great contribution to immigrants.

Through his many projects, which always revolve around the well-being of people and peace, Giacomo Santalucia has earned the Social Hero Award 2020.

First Maltese "Hidden Champion of Life" Award 2020 goes to Dr. Karl Cutajar

Dr. Karl Cutajar is another hero at this time. The practicing physician has made it his mission to help couples fulfill their desire to have children.

With a smile on his face and his professional competence, he stands by all the couples who wish to have a child together. To date, he has been able to help many infertile couples.

He is also one of the everyday heroes and lives on the island of Malta.

One "Hidden Champion of Life" Award 2020 goes to Christine Joch

Christine Joch

Christine Joch, a nurse with a passion, was there for her fellow men and women 365 days a year.

In her private life, Christine also devoted herself to the children of friends and the elderly around her and became involved in an animal shelter in Fulda.

Then, about 10 years ago, Christine went from being a helper to a patient.

But she remains undeterred in her commitment. Christine Joch is an everyday hero and is honored by the Voice Aid Association as a Hidden Champion of Life 2020.

Unfortunately, we learned that Christine Joch could not win the battle with her medical condition.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to all her relatives and friends.

One "Hidden Champion of Life" Award 2020 goes to Ute Schultheiss

Ute Schultheiss

Ute Schultheiss, a true everyday heroine, a heroine from next door.

Ute works in a Rewe store in Michelstadt. Ute enters the supermarket every day with a smile on her lips. With her calm, competent and reliable manner, she is well-liked by all supermarket visitors.

Especially during the pandemic, she demonstrated strength, calmness and competence in all areas. She remained friendly and reliable and is therefore one of the everyday heroes of this time.

The 1st Social Hero Award 2020 goes to Melanie Hauptmanns

Melanie Hauptmanns
1. Social Hero Award 2020