Voice Aid Association: For the sake of mankind and the planet
About us

The story of Voice Aid Association begins a few years ago on a wonderful summer evening. Different people meet, supposedly randomly controlled by the universe. But we know that the universe connects exactly the people who are important for their current lives when the time comes.
Now it is important for these people to recognize what chance for their future life and the history based on it lies in it.
It quickly became clear to all of us that we wanted to do something together within a social and environmental context. The questions that preoccupied us were: What can we do and what does it take?
The Voice Aid idea was born out of these thoughts, based on the Band Aid project of the 80s, when Bob Geldof made nations sit up and take notice.
The focus is on a globally unique campaign on the subject of humanity and environmental protection, coupled with a great deal of education and foresight for the future.

The task of the Voice Aid Association is to act worldwide regionally, but also supraregionally. Through the use of modern digital media, such as livestreams, social media, etc., we connect different countries and continents with each other. With concerts, fashion shows, events, vernissages, etc. and the associated activities, sponsoring, challenges, etc. we want to create awareness for the social and other important world topics.
The Voice Aid Project operates with an ever-expanding base of artists, protagonists from the arts, culture and business, singers and bands, dancers and action artists as well as visual artists, such as painters, graffiti artists, etc., as well as product lines of sustainable suppliers and companies following the project idea.
"People are magic and with people we change the world!"

Board Members
Voice Aid world wide - Germany

International keynote speaker, top business expert for neuro communication/marketing, management consultant, 30 years in sales, leadership, corporate communication
Known from: FORBES, iHeart Radio, Business-Voice-Magazine, Eden Magazine, Porsche, Telekom, Delphi,...

Transformation coach, author, international speaker, woman of global change

Copywriter - Ghostwriter - Online Editor
International copywriter, ghostwriter and online editor. Expert in content marketing, search engine optimization. Over 10 years of content and social media marketing


In 2025, the Voice Aid Association is to become one of the world's largest charity organizations.
"We are one" - for the sake of people and the planet. Digital networking via Voice Aid Ambassadors and Faces. A worldwide community for the benefit of all.
Voice Aid Association - for the sake of people and the planet
"Voice Aid Association - for the sake of people and the planet."
Our ideals are:
Voice Aid Patronage: Innovative Social Projects
Voice Aid world wide - Germany
Voice Aid Africa

Voice Aid Membership & Sponsor

Voice Aid Membership
We look forward to working with you to shape our future. Every individual counts and we are all together: “We are one“
We promote the individual, because humanity is a special concern of ours, regardless of nationality and skin colour, the animal world, the rain forests, our oceans and inland waters, our environment – for the sake of the planet.
We are happy about everyone who recommends this our good thing. A special “thank you“ package“ is waiting for you. Please let us talk about it, we will be happy to inform you.
Become a Voice Aid Ambassador and secure your future. Together we will accompany you on this path. Let your joy of support become your passion. The Voice Aid Ambassador – our future will be shaped by you.
The “We are one“ simple membership: 120,-€ per year. For each further membership recommended and completed by you there is 20,-€ recommendation - thank you.
Voice Aid Sponsor
As a Voice Aid sponsor you support social projects of high importance regionally, nationwide or even worldwide. You are one of those companies that take responsibility for more humanity and/or environmental protection. You get involved and show the way. You are a pioneer, doer, visionary, activist, have a future-oriented company that uses its resources sustainably and ensures that the planet is doing well.
We develop special marketing tools for you with which you can highlight your actions. Become visible to the market in the name of the good cause. As they say so nicely: “Do good and talk about it“. With us you can get actively involved or support the system with your valuable input.
Everything is good, as long as one does – away from knowledge towards action. The future lies in the areas of profitability, charity and business. How can we combine these areas in a trusting and good way in the sense of humanity and environmental protection?
Voice Aid – for the sake of people and the planet